If I Die I'm A Legend: A Tale of Orisha,
Hoodoo, and #BlackLivesMatter
A historical diagram of afro-futuristic existence, this physical theater work provides a look into Street Deities and their relationships to the lineage of diasporic people. Audiences will witness the creation of a #blacklivesmatter #shrine after traveling through #blackpower portals. Portals that provide a space where marginalized voices can respond to corporate white supremacist efforts of gentrification, erasure and appropriation.
Hoodoo, and #BlackLivesMatter
A historical diagram of afro-futuristic existence, this physical theater work provides a look into Street Deities and their relationships to the lineage of diasporic people. Audiences will witness the creation of a #blacklivesmatter #shrine after traveling through #blackpower portals. Portals that provide a space where marginalized voices can respond to corporate white supremacist efforts of gentrification, erasure and appropriation.