Want to be involved in the 2025 Pittsburgh Fringe?
You don't aways have to do a full show! We try to create many opportunities for artists without full shows. The Yinzer Variety show is great for those doing anything for less than 7 minutes. Might be a sketch, or a hoola hoop trick you're trying out, or a scene from a show you're working on, or maybe a new song you just wrote! Are you a storyteller or a dancer? Or a visual artist? We have shows for you to be involved with! More info coming soon.
Want to produce a show or an art exhibit at the 2025 Pittsburgh Fringe?
More information coming soon!
Logos for your publicity
Feel free to use our logo in your publicity. Keep the colors and dimensions as close as you can. Below are a few different types of files of the logo. If you need something else, or have a question, please email us.
Our neighborhood Fringe Zone is the Bloomfield, Garfield, Friendship, East Liberty neighborhoods - particularly along the Penn Avenue arts corridor. Here is a map of the basic festival area.