VENUE: Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church, Upstairs, 416 W North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 |
2018 Marx in SOHO by Howard Zinn by Iron Age Theatre's Bob WeickMarx launches a passionate, funny, and moving defense of his ideas in Zinn's brilliant, timely play: 'MARX IN SOHO' examines Karl Marx's life and passion for radical change, and challenges audiences to consider social justice issues. Marx uses current news and events to show how his ideas resonate today and captures how a humane alternative to capitalism is possible. Karl Marx has returned to earth in Pittsburgh on his 200th birthday to clear his name. Teamed with Iron Age Theatre's 'To My Unborn Child: A Love Letter from Fred Hampton', the plays are a testament to POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
About the Company Iron Age Theatre is a collaborative company that provides a safe space for audience and actor to encounter radical ideas throughout history. Iron Age dedicates itself to work focused on the human condition and social justice. Barrymore Award nominated actor and activist, Bob Weick has presented over 300 performances of MARX IN SOHO across the US and beyond. Follow our journey @MarxInSoho DATES AND TIMES: Friday, April 6 at 6:15 PM Saturday, April 7 at 9:30 PM Sunday, April 8 at 4:30 PM Show Run Time: 75 Minutes Prices:
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