Virtual - World Premiere! Rating: PG Genre: Theater
"A Comedy of Feathers" is a 32-minute version of Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors," performed by an all-bird puppet cast! Written and directed by Darlene Thompson, whose company has 3 times won awards at the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival. Some of the performers are doing puppets for the first time. A funny and family-friendly offering. About the Company or Performer(s): Puppets in Performance has been performing in the Pittsburgh area since 2014, in various venues. Three times, PiP has won awards in the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival. A puppet film, The Tempest in a Teaspoon, won honorable mention at the Seattle Film Institute in 2022. PiP's founder and artistic director, Darlene Thompson, is a playwright and composer with over 25 years' experience in puppetry. She and her puppets have performed hundreds of times in 15 states. She holds a BA in Drama and an MFA in Playwriting. She is a member of the Musical Theater Artists of Pittsburgh, the Tuesday Musical Club, and the Puppeteers of America.
Local: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Other Fringes Performed At: *Pittsburgh Fringe (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2023)
DATE AND TIME: All throughout the festival, April 18th - April 27th, any time you're available!
(If you buy a 2024 Pittsburgh Fringe Button you receive $3 off every show. You can buy buttons in advance online, at Fringe Central, or at a venue when you arrive for in person shows. You must show the button for each entrance where you purchased a Fringe Button Discount. For virtual shows, you must have already purchased a button in order to receive the button discount.)
Ticket Information: After you purchase your ticket, you will receive a link to the performance in a post-purchase message. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Fringe at: [email protected] The Show's Social Media Links: