This performer and show has won multiple awards a few of which are...
Check Out What Others Are Saying!
"Fabulously Hilarious Adventure!" Watermark "Plenty of Laughs!" Orlando Sentinel "A remarkably postive Story!" Broadwaybaby "Terribly funny and endlessly charming!" Stagebuddy "Force of nature... always hilarious!" Whatsonstage, UK "Keeps of laughing!" The Gay, UK "Marino is fucking brilliant!" Kryztoff Raw, AU "A hilarious expose!" Adelaide Now, AU "Brilliant! Hilarious!" ThreeWeeks, UK "Fun! Engrossing tribute to the human spirit!" The List, UK "Thrilling! Hilarious! A sure-fire hit!" The Stage "Had me riveted to my seat!" Orlando Weekly "Intricate, hilarious, beautifully structured!" Theatreonline "Wickedly funny showbiz merriment" Usher Nonsense "Like 'smash' on speed... rlentlessly rapid-fire!" Fringe Review, AU "An immensely Salutary Tale!" "Refreshing, engaging and often very funny!" A Younger Theatre "Both funny and horribly revealing!" The Times "Highly Entertaining!" British Theatre Guide "Marino has a hit!" Village Voice "Recommended!" Time Out NY "Hilarious!" Time Out London "A gifted storyteller!" Ink19 |
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