We are making some big changes for 2019, and will take us a bit longer to get our applications up. BUT we hope these changes will make it easier for performers to get into the festival. (In 2018 we only were able to accept 50% of artists, and that made us sad.)
Put our dates on your calendar! April 4-7. (Yep, that is one more day than last year. We added Thursday, to put less pressure on that Friday, and to allow us to have more shows that start after work hours. Performers will still be doing 3 performances, but we can spread shows that were crammed in on Friday over the Thursday and Friday.)
Do you have an idea for a venue in 2019? We are currently looking for venues. Just for your show, or for multiple festival shows. Want to run a venue, but don't have space to run? We can connect you with a venue that doesn't have a festival manager. Talk to us about our Fringe Zone before you find a venue. We like to keep venues all together in a clustered walkable area. Venues can be anything from classrooms, back rooms in bars, club halls, church halls, hotel conference rooms, basements, living room of a house, a car, a camper, and even proper theatre spaces. Venues at fringe can seat any amount. Some fringe shows have only had 1 person audiences, up to hundreds. Typical spaces in the past have sat 30-100. Even if you are just curious, contact us about your interest via email [email protected]
2019 Applications will open soon. Follow our Social Media.
Follow the link below if you are performing in 2018. All the information you need to get your publicity and show information sorted is on this page linked below.
OPEN ACCESS – Following the model of other successful fringe festivals, in Edinburgh, Hollywood and Rochester you will have access to multiple venues. If you think your show is worth producing. We think your show is worth producing. Or you can use your own venue! AFFORDABLE AND EASY – We try to be affordable not only for the performers, by keeping upfront costs low and ticket returns high, but by also keeping costs down for audience members. We try to make it easy for audiences and artists to gain access to each other. We are also dedicated to working with special and exceptional cases of artists and audiences to ensure that every corner of our community is embraced and served. We are the most affordable Fringe festival in the US with comparable ticket payout festivals. ARTISTICALLY, CULTURALLY, AND STYLISTICALLY DIVERSE – We remove external pressure so that artists can explore their medium fully and completely, resulting in the kind of creative expression and freedom that enlivens communities and bolsters cultural growth. Be a part of the Fringe community.
2018 Performer Information
Words to the Wise
It’s important to remember that Fringe is a different producing environment than if you were producing a show on your own. You’re not just renting a venue – you’re part of a major festival, a part of a bigger picture, which is what makes the experience special. We welcome brave artists and wild creativity, but we run a tight ship. The pace is fast, the rules are strict, you have less control over venue choice, tech, ticketing, and schedule. We’ll work with you all the way through, but keep in mind that requests that might seem reasonable to you in a single-show venue might be a disaster at Fringe and actually hurt your ability to have a good show. Things to consider:
Time: Show runs between 30-90 minutes, including curtain call and/or audience discussions. Once you commit to a length of time for your show, you must stick to it. Nothing starts late and nothing runs long at Fringe.
Set: Quick and basic production. Think bare-bones and minimalistic. You have 10 minutes to setup and tear down your show and storage isn’t guaranteed. Also beware of multimedia; Things go wrong all the time with technically complex shows, and there’s no holding curtain or pausing the show at Fringe.
Tech: Your tech or stage manager will know your show best, so it is desirable that they run your show. However, if for some reason you need a technician, we are happy to help for an additional fee.
Marketing: We do basic marketing for all shows (as a festival group, not individual shows - no favorites), but we ask that you also market for your show (i.e. posters, postcards, social media, etc). The more you contribute to the marketing efforts, the higher attendance you’ll see at your shows. Use your social media, personal networks, and grassroots enthusiasm to bolster interest for your work. Not sure what to do? We provide assistance and advice!
Availability: We need you for tech and the entire run of the festival. We don’t advise you to participate in multiple shows (it’s a scheduling nightmare). But if you insist, it is your responsibility to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts that interfere with your performances.
Application: A company or artist may submit more than one application. However, we are only obliged to accept one. Each application must be accompanied by the non-refundable application fee.
Budget: What’s your budget? In the past our average payout was $315 – some folks made $75 and some made over $500 in the weekend. No one gets rich doing Fringe, but knowing what you expect to make from ticket sales can inform what you put into your production.
Participation fees: From $30 a performance to $60 a performance, companies will receive 1-3 performances of each show. Once you've been selected, you will be invoiced for these amounts. Number of performances will be up to us, but we will try our best to give you the number of shows you want. (More specifics below under venue information.)
Venue Information
Basic Tech Venue
Room converted into a very simple “theatre”
Black back curtains, simple lights, simple sound output
Often room in club or pub that we set some equipment up in
If you have any particular needs, we can try to find a way to make it work (just remember some extras may incur additional fees)
40-100 seat capacity
$60 per performance participation fee for 1-3 performances
Site Specific Show (sometimes known as BYOV)
YOU find an interesting space for your show (we have some ideas if you need help, but ultimately it is up to you)
Could be anything!
Think site specific!
What works best for your show? Will an unique space enhance the performance?
Any capacity it turns out to be
You provide any necessary tech (we may have some things you can borrow for an additional fee if needed)
We will try to find hosts to house you (based on availability, and not guaranteed). We have had difficulty with this as we have many more out-of-towners than hosts to host. Because of this we may also use air mattresses, couches, and other uncomfortable means to help more folks. To be safe, please budget on getting your own housing.
General Promotion: We’ll promote the festival as a whole, and mention your show in social media. You’ll have a full show page on our ticketing website, and a picture and blurb in our printed Fringe Guide to list any info about your show.
Tech: If you have a 1 hour performance, you will receive one 1.5 hour slot for rehearsal per show title (but may be during the daylight hours). If you would like to bring your own lights/sound, please let us know. You may also reach out to others in your space to work something out!