Date News:So we're behind. Still ahead of last year, but not by much. Hopefully we can get most of the shows squared away by the 10th. We need time to get the program together.
Dates for the Festival are April 2-5th (Thursday to Friday)
January 2nd: Fringe Registration opens, and venues can start booking. January 15th: Shows will be anxious to book by this date because they get a reduced registration payment. They are allowed to book this year (hopefully we will cut this off in the future) without having a venue confirmed. And they are allowed to get a refund if they can't find a venue by January 20th. February 2nd: Registration Deadline to be in the Fringe Program |
News:We are still trying to get venues to sign up. If you know of someone who would maybe also like to be a venue manager - let us know!
SCHEDULING SPREADSHEET: We've also set up a Google Spreadsheet for each venue to take a page to visually input their venue's schedule. We can also help with this, as we need it or us too. So if it is too complicated, no problem. Just do it your own way, and let us know what shows you booked, and we'll make it for you. If you want to see it the link is HERE. (This is an edit link all venues are sharing, so only change things on your venue's page. You can see different tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.)
NOTE on Google Scheduling SPREADSHEET: The first page shows visually good times to book the shows. The second is a sample copy from a venue last year. Then we've made a copy of the first page for each venue to play around with however it works for them. |