Step right up! Step right up! Girls and boys, moms and dads, grandmas and grand-dads. Come to see the Miracle Elixir Side Show, an old-fashioned medicine show with a combination of comedy, magic, and sideshow stunts. While some “sideshows” nowadays are rather dark and spooky, our show is light, friendly, and appropriate for all ages. The show features, Zephyr Wilcox - the Man Who Feels No Pain, Lavinia - the Fire-Proof Lady, and a comedy escape by Professor Nicodemus Styles.
Named among the “Best of the 'Burgh” by Pittsburgh Magazine, the members of Miracle Elixir have more bad ideas in one show than most people have in a year. Come join in the fun - laughter is the best medicine!
DATES AND TIMES: Saturday, April 6 at 8:00 PM Sunday, April 7 at 6:00 PM Sunday, April 7 at 8:00 PM
(If you buy a 2019 Pittsburgh Fringe Button you receive $3 off every show. You can buy buttons in advance online, or at the venue when you arrive. You must show the button for each entrance where you purchased a Fringe Button Discount.)